Little Jozlyn Pearl,
I can't believe you are one year old! What a year we have had together. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with you, hugging your daddy and crying tears of joy in the kitchen. I remember the day in the ultrasound room when I found out you were a girl, crying holding your daddy's hand thinking of all the fun we would have together and knowing how much I loved you already. I vividly remember the second you were born, when I saw you for the first time. I remember the most beautiful look you gave me when ours eyes met for the first time. I remember the first time I dressed you in tights. Ever since the moment I found out I was having a little girl I couldn't wait to put tights on you! We were going to your cousins birthday party and I cried when I finally got to put those pink baby tights on your little 2 month old legs. I showed your daddy how cute you looked with your matching skirt and boots, and cried because it felt like I had waited for this exact moment for so long. I have so many memories of our first year together, I hold them so closely to my heart. You taught me so many things over the past 12 months. I didn't know this person that I have became because of you, and I love it.
I love how you always make me laugh, how you scrunch up your little nose and snort because you know that always does the trick. I love how you are so excited to see me in the morning, how you start dancing right as I walk in your room because you know I am going to start singing the "good morning" song. I love that you love the songs I sing to you, even though I can never remember the words so I usually just make them up. I love how you have made us a family, how we all three sit in the living room and your daddy crawls around on the floor with you as we play and sing and dance. I love every single thing about you and couldn't imagine my world without you.
Thank you for all of the wonderful times you have given me this past year. I love you more than you could ever fathom. Everyday I thank the Lord for you, you are such an amazing gift from Him. I can't wait to see you grow to know Him and to see the path that He has for you.
Happy 1st Birthday my little sweetie peetie.
Happy 1st Birthday my little sweetie peetie.

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