She's talking more and more and comes up with different things all of the time. Lately in the morning after Cal leaves for work she walks around saying, "dada aa wrkkkk" (aka dada's at work). She's not a huge fan of potty training but is slowing catching on. She is doing so great in her big girl bed and loves to take our hands at bedtime and walk us in her room and show us how she can get in all by herself and lay down. She has a small obsession with her grammy lately and gets extremely sad whenever she has to leave, I'm talking crying so hard she can't breathe!
She started private swimming lessons at our gym once a week and LOVES IT. I was a little nervous the first time I took her, wondering how she would do going to the swim teacher by herself without mommy getting in the pool. She literally jumped right in, looked at me and said, "bye bye mamma". The teacher gets such a kick out of Jozlyn and how independent she is, Jozlyn tries to peel the teachers arm off of her because she thinks she can swim on her own already! We are only doing the lessons until the end of July but so far it's been really good for both of us! It's nice for me to see someone else besides family teaching Jozlyn new things, and knowing that Jozlyn listens well and is comfortable with her makes me so happy.