what good of a photographer am i if i can't even get some good pictures of my family? this saturday we got all dressed up, found the best light in our house, rearranged furniture and got the camera on the tripod with my camera remote in hand.
sadly enough, this is about the best shot we got (ok, i lie...we did get one ok shot but that is being saved for our holiday card if i ever get started on making them). this picture just makes me laugh so i thought i'd share it with you.
on a sad note, our family photoshoot ended at an abrupt hault when jozlyn went running towards the tripod knocking it over with my camera and new lens attached. CRASH! i couldn't bear to look at my camera until today for fear it was broken for good but thankfully it survived the accident with a few scrathes and a couple of small cracks. like my dad said, "nothing a little duct tape can't fix"
Happy Holidays!